Tuesday, October 18, 2005

October 18, 2005

Project Reflection

Please use your journal time in class today to work on your project reflection. The entire PSA project is due at the beginning of class tomorrow, that includes the project reflection. Please ask your instructor any questions. Below is the PSA Project Reflection requirements. Please make sure you read all of them and answer all the questions. Points will be taken away if the directions are not followed.
  1. Each member of the production team must complete a two-page paper reflecting on the Public Service Announcement project.
  2. What did you learn from the PSA project? Please describe in detail how you use F.R.E.D. in this production. How do you feel about your finished product, did it meet your expectations? If you were asked to repeat this project from the beginning what would you do differently?
  3. Evaluate your group. How did your group function? Please describe each group member’s role (including yourself) and what they did to get the project done. Did everyone do his or her fair share? Please rate each group member (including yourself) on a scale of 1 –10 with 10 being the highest. Your instructor will be the only one to see this paper, please write honestly.
  4. The paper must be double spaced and written in Times News Roman or Arial font. The font size must be no bigger than 12 points. Margins on the paper should be 1” top & bottom & 1.25” right & left.

Monday, October 17, 2005

October 17, 2005

PSA Project Reflection

Today should be spent working on your PSA's. The final PSA is due on Wednesday at the beginning of class. Instead of a journal assignmet today, please use this time to work on your project reflection. Please refer to the sheet I handed out on Thursday of last week for the guidelines. If you have lost your copy please ask a classmate to let you borrow theirs to refresh your memory. The project reflection is also due on Wednesday at the beginning of class.

On Tuesday, there will be a short quiz over the "Price is Right" game we played on Friday. If for some reason you finish everything please use the rest of your time to study your notes for the quiz.

Friday, October 14, 2005

October 14, 2005

The Price is Right

Welcome to your first trip to the studio. Today will be you first official tour of "the studio." Video & Audio equipment is very expensive. Being in the studio and using the equipment is a priviledge. Please take this priviledge very seriously. Below are the 3 additional studio rules - classroom rules of course also apply.

Please read the rules and post a one sentence statement that you have read them and agree to follow them. If you do not post, you will not be able to go into the studio until you have. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in dismissal from the studio.



No that we have taken care of all those details, we will have a little fun. It's a show that has ruled daytime television for 34 years, with one host. "The Price is Right" hosted by Bob Barker hasn't changed much since it started.


Please take a look at the website and familiarize yourself with the show. This is the only website allowed until we go to the studio.

And in the words of Mr. Barker: "remember always spay and neuter your pets."

Thursday, October 13, 2005

October 13, 2005

Picture Composition Quiz & Journal

It's been a while since we went over picture composition, however it remains an important part of production. Today, I want you to take the picture composition quiz in your Television Production Workbook (TPW.) This is found on pages 44-48. This will be an open book quiz. Please use your Television Production Handbook (TPH) to help you find the correct answers. Please answer your questions on a separate piece of paper. There will be NO partners for this assignment. Turn your paper into your instructor when you are finished.

When you have handed in your quiz, please write a short journal on how your group used these concepts while shooting your PSA. The entry must be written in complete sentences, with proper grammar in mind. Please ask your instructor any questions.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

October 12, 2005

Television Production Workbook

Please finish readig chapter two and complete the chapter two section in your television production workbook pages 11 - 14. Please use the blog to answer your questions. Unlike yesterday, today's workbook should be done on your own.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

October 11, 2005

Television & Radio in the News

Television & Radio not only give the news, but they make the news. Most local newspapers have a TV & Radio section. In this section they report on entertainment factors like new shows and ratings. These sections also report on the goings on at the local affliates. What happened to your favorite reporter? Why did the noon anchor move to weekends? Why did a radio station change formats?

Today I want you to look at the Television & Radio Section of the Detroit Free Press. Please pick three different articles to read andwrite a minimum of a 3 sentence summary on each article. As a reminder a summary should be complete enough that I would not have to read the article on my own to get a clear understanding of the major points in the article.


Monday, October 10, 2005

October 10, 2006

Communications & Journalism Programs

Last week, I gave you a list of journalism & telecommunications schools and had you pick one to find out more information. Today, I am giving you the same list, please pick a different school and explore their Journalism/Communications Departments, then answer the questions below.
In order to receive credit answers must be given in complete sentences.

http://www.journalism.missouri.edu/ (Mrs. Holladay's School - Go Tigers!)

1. What specialties do they offer?
2. Who are the famous alumni?
3. Where are they located?
4. List three interesting opportunities the school has to offer.
5. After looking at the website are you more or less interested in the school. Why?


Friday, October 07, 2005

October 7, 2005

Something We Don't Know

Please write a paragraph about something the class doesn't know about you (and you of course would like to share.) It can be a story or a hobby. Maybe you have taken 8 years of classical tuba lessons. Maybe you are an online gamer or you collect coins. Do you have an interesting pet? Maybe you have a twin brother or sister, you like to listen to opera. Or maybe you are into extreme sports. Yesterday, I asked that we use proper grammar and spelling, many of you didn't. Please make sure that all sentence are complete and begin with a captial letter and end with punctuation. Again, ask your instructor (me) if you have any questions.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

October 6, 2005


The Queen of Soul said it best:

"Ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone Ain't gonna do you wrong 'cause I don't wanna All I'm askin' Is for a little respect when you come home"

Yesterday we added RESPECT to your classroom rules. Today in the words of Motown Legend Aretha Franklin “R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me.” I want to find out what it means to you. Write a short essay on what respect means to you plan to incorporate it into your behavior at DMT.

Your essay must include a minimum of three paragraphs with no less than three sentences in each paragraph. You must use proper grammar and do your best to spell things correctly.
Don’t cry just yet, there is another option, if you would like to rewrite the lyrics to respect you can do that instead. Please see your instructor for the original lyrics. We will talk extra-credit If you want to perform your version of the song in front of class. The lyrics must be along the same the lines as the essay. As always please ask your instructor any questions.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

October 5, 2005

Salaries & Living
how far will your money go?

Yesterday, you looked up jobs and one of the questions you had to answer was how much the average starting salary was, for example the starting salary for a television news reporter was $11,000. A starting salaray for a news producer is about $25,000. Now you will need to pick a city you would want to live in. Please use the online resources below to create a budget for $25,000 a year. Below is a sample budget.

$25000 a year
-2800 a year for taxes (could be more or less, see your instructor if you pick a city in Florida)
$1800 a month
Berkley, MI working in Detroit
Apartment Rent: $850
Insurance: $15
Utlilities: $140
Auto Payment: $100
Auto Insurance: $100
Auto Repair/Maintenance: $75
Gas: 19 mpg - 15 miles each way to work - 600 miles a month - 2.89 a gallo - 31 gallons a month approx. $90
Other transportation: If you live in NY or Chicago you can take public transportation. Find the one-way cost online. Questiosn please ask your instructor for help.
Food: $200 (if you bring your lunch to work everyday & don't buy snacks.)
Entertainment: $100 (remember most dinners are approx 20 a person & a movie is 8 dollars - that means you would only go out with friends 3 times during the month)
Clothing: $50
Cell Phone: $40
Snacks & Misc. - $20

Savings/Leftover: $20


Midwest: http://www.bls.gov/cex/2003/msas/midwest.pdf
Northeast: http://www.bls.gov/cex/2003/msas/norteast.pdf
South: http://www.bls.gov/cex/2003/msas/south.pdf
West: http://www.bls.gov/cex/2003/msas/west.pdf

Please take your time and complete this assignement. If you need more time please see your instructor.

THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE GRADING RULES: Journals must be completed on the day they are assigned. If you need more time you must tell your instructor that day. Failure to do so, will mean loss of credit for the journaling assignment and will lower your daily grade significantly.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

October 4, 2005

Career Profiles


Pick 3 Different Careers ****These must be different from the ones you did on the first day!!Answer the following questions about each career. These must be answered in complete sentences, with proper grammar.

1. What do you need to study to get into this career? (Do you need a University degree? Should you study journalism or telecommunications or marketing)
2. Describe at least three of the duties performed by someone in this career.
3. What kind of salary is offered for this career?
4. Are you more or less interested in this career?

Today you will be watching "The First 50 Years of Television." Be prepared to discuss the movie with your instructor on Wednesday. There will be a quiz on Wednesday over the film.

Please behave better for Mr. Dingeman than you do for Mrs. Hollladay

Monday, October 03, 2005

October 3, 2005

Communications & Journalism Programs

Many of you are thinking about what will happen after high school, if you are interested in media going to the right school can make a big difference in getting a job. Below are several websited for different Universities. Please go to one and explore their Journalism/Communications Departments. Of course these are not the only schools that have these kinds of depts. we will be doing this again. So please only go to the schools listed below and then answer the questions below.

www.journalism.missouri.edu (Mrs. Holladay's School - Go Tigers!)

1. What specialties do they offer?
2. Who are the famous alumni?
3. Where are they located?
4. List three interesting opportunities the school has to offer.
5. After looking at the website are you more or less interested in the school.

Today, you will work on your storyboards, scripts and presentations for the entire day. Use this time wisely. Your presentations will be part of you PSA grade. Everyone in the group must have a part in the presentation. The presentation must include a little information on the non-profit you choose, why you choose it, who your target audience is. You must also describe your finished storyboard. Be sure to have a title for your PSA!

Please work quietly today. There is to be no streaming media in class. If you finish early practice your presentation. If you have any questions please email your instructor at jholladay@sccresa.org, she will be checking email and will respond to you by Tuesday.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

September 29, 2005

Sense of Humor

Working in television and radio can be a stressful job, so it's important that you have a sense of humor to help you get through the stressful, high pressure times. Today, I want you to think back to something funny that happened to you, a friend or a family member. Write about it, tell me what happened and why it was so funny. Today I am just looking for you to be a storyteller. As always make sure the story is school appropriate.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

September 28, 2005

PSA #2

Yesterday, we watched some examples of Public Service Announcements and you each thought of an organization you would thought deserved a PSA. Today, you must research your organization. If you have thought of some other organization that you would like to do a PSA for, it is ok to change your mind. Below is a list of other organizations you may be intersted in.

The Advertising Council, Inc
Afterschool Alliance
American Cancer Society
American Diabetes Association
American Psychological Association
American Stroke Association
Americans for the Arts
America's Second Harvest
Benton Foundation
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Boy Scouts of America
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Childhelp USA
ConAgra Foods' Feeding Children Better Foundation
Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities
Department of Justice
Earth Share
Environmental Defense
Family Violence Prevention Fund
Girl Scouts of America
Give Kids The World
Heifer Foundation
Habitat For Humanity
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund
Library of Congress
The Martin Luther King. Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association For The Education of Young Children
National Association of State Foresters
National Center for Family Learning
National Crime Prevention Council
National Education Association
National Fair Housing Alliance
National Fatherhood Initiative
National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
National Urban League
National WIC Association
Office of National Drug Control Policy
People For the American Way Foundation
Prevent Child Abuse America
Project Safe Neighborhoods
The American Red Cross
Save The Children
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
United Nations Foundation
United Negro College Fund
US Army
US Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
US Department of Transportation / NHTSA
US Environmental Protection Agency
USA Freedom CorpsUSDA Forest Service

There are a lot more if the one you want to do is not on this list. Please see your instructor.

Once you have determined what group you are interested in doing your PSA, now you will need to do some research. and create a client profile. Below is an example. I choose the Girl Scouts of America, don't limit yourself to just the information below. If you find something online that you think is a great statistic or really intersting be sure to include that. You will use these to pitch your idea to your group.

Client Profile
Organization: Girl Scouts of America
Who it helps/benefits: Girls ages 5 – 18
Goals: Positive activities and life changing experience for young girls that helps build a positive self-esteem
What it offers: Role Models, Leadership experiences, learning opportunities, outdoor experiences, field trips, travel, cookies and scholarships
Why I picked it: I was a Girl Scout and it gave me my first introduction to Media. I also traveled to California and Washington, D.C. by myself on wider opportunities in middle school.
Other Statistics:
Membership: Nearly 4 million currently (more than 50 million past & present members) Internationally there are 10 million girls and adults in 145 countries.
Established: By Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah, GA on March 12, 1929

Here is a blank form for you to use.

Client Profile
Who it helps/benefits:
What it offers:
Why I picketd it:
Other Statistics:
Website & Other Contact Information:

If you finish your client profile, I want you to go back and continue to watch more PSA's online. Do not surf the internet, unless you are finding more PSA's to watch. :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

September 27, 2005

Public Service Announcements

Today we will finish up our Premiere Pro Tutorials for the week, then we will start on our first editing project: Public Service Announcements (PSA). What is a PSA? A PSA is short, non- commercial announcements that provide information to the public.

Broadcast television is required by the FCC to air so many PSA's a year for free. These PSA's benefit non-profit organizations that cannot afford the high prices of television and radio advertising. There is a catch, television stations are businesses looking to make money by selling advertising. Ads cost more, the more people who are watching them. That means tv stations want to sell more time during the day, which often pushes PSA to the early morning and overnight hours.

Below are some links that have examples of Public Service Announcements. You can also find a lot more by search Public Service Announcement on Google. Go to these websites and view the PSAs. Those of you on PC's will want to use Windows Media Player on the IMacs use Quicktime to view the PSAs. Once you view several PSA's I want you to think of an organization that you would like to do a PSA for and why you think they neeed one. Please write two complete paragraphs using a minimum of 3 complete sentences in each paragraph. If you have any questions please ask your instructor.


Monday, September 26, 2005

September 26, 2005

Hurricane Rita

The big news this weekend was Hurricane Rita. If you flipped on the news at anytime they were covering the storm. Go two of the three news websites: www.CNN.com, www.msnbc.com and www.foxnews.com. Look over the news coverage online.

1. Compare and contrast the coverage on the two sites.
2. How do each of the sites use media (videos and pictures)?
3. Did you watch any of the media coverage on television? If so, how did it compare to the coverage you are seeing online?
4. What did you like least about the web content?
5. What do you like best?
6. Describe the interactive elements. Did they help you understand the story more or less?

Friday, September 23, 2005

September 23, 2005

There is good news and bad news. First the bad news, free Friday doesn't mean you don't have to journal. But here is the good news, you can choose anything you want to journal about today. You can tell me more about you, what you plan on doing this weekend or anything that interests you: sports, paintball or music. Remember everything must be school appropriate! Journal entries must be a least two paragraphs long. A paragraph should consist of no less than 3 complete sentences.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

September 22, 2005

adobe editing suite

As we get into the adobe editing suite, today I want you to take more time to learn about it. Go to the Adobe website and do research on the other products, many of which we will be using in this class.


1. Explore the above video & audio adobe site. This means you must take the time to read it, don't just look at it.
2. Now go to the site for Adobe Premiere pro. Tell me about 3 different things you found on the site. Describe each one.
3. Name two other products in the Adobe Video Collection.
4. Go to each of those sites and tell me about 3 different things you found on each site. Describe each one.
5. Tell me one interesting fact you learned about Adobe products.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

September 21, 2005

Editing with Premiere Pro 1.5

I got mixed reacations to how we are learning digital editing on Premiere Pro. Please remember when we do these lessons, please make your best effort to try. I would rather help you fix something you didn't quite do correctly, then have you raise your hand and ask questions without trying to do any of it yourself. I feel like there was a lot of people who just looked at the book and said, I don't get this without even trying, it's like you were afraid to make a mistake. Don't be afraid to make mistakes that is how you learn.

Today I am looking to you all for some feedback on we can make it easier.
Answer the following questions below for today's journal.

1. Did the Classroom in a Book help or confuse you?
2. What was the hardest part of the adobe premiere pro editing software?
3. What was the easiest part of the software?
4. Did you take the time to read all the directions carefully?
5. Many had to start over from the beginning after making an error to big to fix, did you find it easier the second time around?
6. Did you like working with a partner?
7. If no, would you rather work together as a class or by yourself?
8. Is there something your instructor could do to make learning the program eaiser?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

September 20, 2005

television news

Yesterday, I asked you all to watch at least 15 minutes of a local newscast. I hope you had editing in mind. Remember what we read on Monday: cuts, wipes and dissolves. Answer the questions below. If you can't remember and don't have answers, answer what you can, but in order to get credit you might have to watch another newscast and redo the assignment. Please remember that your instructor has Tivo and taped the local news programs.

1. What channel did you watch and when did you watch it?
2. Who were the anchors?
3. What was the lead story?
4. What editing effect was used most often?
5. When and how often were wipes used?

6. Approx. how many news story did you see before the first commercial break? 5 -10 -15
7. What was the most interesting story you saw?
8. Would you tune in again on your own?
9. What was your favorite part of the newscast?
10. What was your least favorite part of the news?
11. Do you have any interest in working in television news?
12. Does anyone in your family watch local television news on a regular basis? If so what station.
13. Does anyone in your family watch cable news? If so what station.
14. Rate the newscast from 1 - 10. 1 being the worst & 10 being the best.

Monday, September 19, 2005

September 19, 2005


TODAY'S BLOG/JOURNAL TOPIC... Tell me a little bit about your home high school. I am not going to ask you questions, instead I want you to write this like it is an online article, tell me what you think is important for me to know. It can be funny, but keep it truthful. Give it a title that MAKES me want to read it, like..."Killer Man Eating Lockers" Don't get too weird or suggestive, but have fun trying to tie your title to what your blog is about.

Friday, September 16, 2005

September 16, 2005

Fall is a big time for television. It's when the television networks premiere their new primetime line-ups with new shows and of course new episodes of last seasons favorites.


Zap2it is a website that devotes itself to what's on tv.
Go to www.zap2it.com
Click on "TV" in the purple bar on the top.
Click on "special section" in the green column on the left hand side.
Now clickon the Fall 2005 picture.

1. Pick one Major Network and tell me about the new shows in their fall line up.
2. I want your predictions on which shows you think will make it and which ones won't.
3. On the Fall 2005 page, I want you to also go to on the "See" links.
4. Tell me about what you found there.
5. Tell me what show if any you plan on watching this fall season.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

September 15, 2005

Journal & Class Assignment

Hello Class,

Mr. Dingeman will be your sub today. Please be on your best behavior for him. I expect you to be better than you are with me. I will get a report and I expect it to be a good report.

Journal: Career Profiles
Pick 3 Different Careers **
**These must be different from the ones you did on the first day!!
Answer the following questions about each career.
1. What do you need to study to get into this career? (Do you need a University degree? Should you study journalism or telecommunications or marketing)
2. Describe at least three of the duties performed by someone in this career.
3. What kind of salary is offered for this career?
4. Are you more or less interested in this career?

**If you finish with todays journal go back and make sure you have completed the other journals. All journals must be completed by Friday in order to get credit.

12 p.m. Skills USA with Mr. Wunch
Mr. Wunch will be going over SkillsUSA. This will be a 30 minute presentation. Please be courtious and listen to the entire presentation.

QUIZ 2 Review- Electronic Field Production
You will be quized after we go over the rest of the groups tapes on Friday.
Please use the rest of the time to study chapter 6.1 & 6.2. Please also study the list of terms below.

1. Pan: A shot Taken moving on a horizontal plane (from left to right, right to left.) If you want to show a frisbee flying across a field, you might use this shot to follow the frisbee from one person to another.

2. Tilt: Camera movement in a veritcal plane (up or down.) If you want to show a tall building but you can't get it all in your shot, you might start at the bottom of the building and go up to the top.

3. Zoom IN: This shot brings you closer to the subject. For example, from a Wide Shot to a Medium Shot or Close Shot. If you are looking at the Golden Gate Bridge and you want to see individual people walking across it, you might zoom in.

4. Zoom OUT: This shot moves you farther away from the subject from example, from a Close Shot to Medium Shot or a Wide Shot. If you have a Close Up shot of a flower and want to see the entire field that the flower is in, you can reverse zoom.

5. Wide Shot: (Also known as Establishing Shot or Long Shot) This shows the whole scene. Frequently you'll see video pieces begin with a wide shot. It's helpful because it sets the stage - the view knows where he/she is. These shots are also good if there's a lot of movement. This might show a person from head to toe.

6. Medium Shot: This shot shows less of a scene than the waide shot. The camera seems closer to the subject (although it may not be if you are using a zoom lens.) For example, if you were interview someone, this shot would show them from about the waist up in a medium shot. Use this when you want a closer look at your subject, or when you need to transition between wide shots and close up shots (it is difficult for the viewer to follow what you are doing if you go straight from a wide shot to a close up shot.)

7. Close Up Shot: This shot shows an even smaller part of the subject or scene. Great for showing detail, like a person's emotional face or individula leaves on a tree. If you were interview someone, this show would show the person from the top of the chest or shoulders up. An Extreme Close Up Shot is even closer, for expamle it is just of the person's eyves, or of a bug gnawing on a leaf.

8. Over the Shoulder or Cutaway Shot: A Cutaway is usually a shot of the interviewer, who can be listening, nodding or responding to the guest. This is used a lot in interviews to show the person who's asking the questions. It's called "over the shoulder" because the photographer is litterally shooting video of the interviewer over the shoulder of the person being interviewed. These are useful when editing because it gives you an easy way to transition.

9. Two Shot/Three Shot: a two shot has two peoplr in the frame. A three shot has three people in the frame. Because you have to be some distance from the people to get them all in the fram, this is usually a medium or a wide shot.

1:15 p.m. - 1:25 p.m. Break

I will return on Friday. We will finish the rest watching the rest of the video projects and take a quiz.

See you Friday!

Mrs. Holladay

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

September 14, 2005

Local Television News Websites

Check out two of the websites listed below.


1. Tell me how 5 ways they are a like are different.
2. Tell me which one you liked better and why?
3. Would you come to this site if Mrs. Holladay, didn't make you?
4. What is the one thing you expected to see and didn't?

Please post below.

September 13, 2005


Please post responses below.
1. Tell me who this website is directed to.
2. Tell me 4 different areas where you can find information.
3. What information did you find in each of those areas?
4. What was the one thing you learned on the site that surprised you?

September 12, 2005

Journal Choice

Please write about either your weekend or a media article. If you have not complete it yet, you can post your submission below.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

September 9, 2005

Good Afternoon!

This is the new journaling system for Digital Media Technology.

When Port Huron Students arrive they must get their books and then log-on to the class blog. Follow the online directions and blog the daily journal assignment. Blogging end for Port Huron Students at 1:45 pm, at the time all blogs must be posted and students should log off the computer.

All other students will log-on at 2 pm after cleaning up any equipment the class worked with that day. Blogging for other students ends at the first bell. At that time they must post and log off the computer.

All directions and links to website information will be found on this blog. Please do not ask Mrs. Holladay what the daily journal assigment will be, students should know it will be found on the DMT blog.

Happy Bloggin'
Mrs. Holladay