Thursday, October 13, 2005

October 13, 2005

Picture Composition Quiz & Journal

It's been a while since we went over picture composition, however it remains an important part of production. Today, I want you to take the picture composition quiz in your Television Production Workbook (TPW.) This is found on pages 44-48. This will be an open book quiz. Please use your Television Production Handbook (TPH) to help you find the correct answers. Please answer your questions on a separate piece of paper. There will be NO partners for this assignment. Turn your paper into your instructor when you are finished.

When you have handed in your quiz, please write a short journal on how your group used these concepts while shooting your PSA. The entry must be written in complete sentences, with proper grammar in mind. Please ask your instructor any questions.

1 comment:

Megan said...

In our PSA for group 3 we used a lot of what we learned in this class. Especially for the bridge scene, where we established our shot, got a wide show, a medium close up, and a close up of Sean sitting down. On our close up we made sure we used the rule of thirds as well. In one of our scenes, it involved three people so we had to get a three shot.