Tuesday, October 18, 2005

October 18, 2005

Project Reflection

Please use your journal time in class today to work on your project reflection. The entire PSA project is due at the beginning of class tomorrow, that includes the project reflection. Please ask your instructor any questions. Below is the PSA Project Reflection requirements. Please make sure you read all of them and answer all the questions. Points will be taken away if the directions are not followed.
  1. Each member of the production team must complete a two-page paper reflecting on the Public Service Announcement project.
  2. What did you learn from the PSA project? Please describe in detail how you use F.R.E.D. in this production. How do you feel about your finished product, did it meet your expectations? If you were asked to repeat this project from the beginning what would you do differently?
  3. Evaluate your group. How did your group function? Please describe each group member’s role (including yourself) and what they did to get the project done. Did everyone do his or her fair share? Please rate each group member (including yourself) on a scale of 1 –10 with 10 being the highest. Your instructor will be the only one to see this paper, please write honestly.
  4. The paper must be double spaced and written in Times News Roman or Arial font. The font size must be no bigger than 12 points. Margins on the paper should be 1” top & bottom & 1.25” right & left.

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