Monday, September 26, 2005

September 26, 2005

Hurricane Rita

The big news this weekend was Hurricane Rita. If you flipped on the news at anytime they were covering the storm. Go two of the three news websites:, and Look over the news coverage online.

1. Compare and contrast the coverage on the two sites.
2. How do each of the sites use media (videos and pictures)?
3. Did you watch any of the media coverage on television? If so, how did it compare to the coverage you are seeing online?
4. What did you like least about the web content?
5. What do you like best?
6. Describe the interactive elements. Did they help you understand the story more or less?

1 comment:

Megan said...

2. CNN has videos of the hurricane damage and many images of it. FOX has both of these and seems to do a better job of organizing the videos and images. It was easier to navigate with FOX.

3. I did not watch much of it, but it seems to be similar to what I would see. There seems to be more things to see online though.

4. I did not like the way CNN has theirs set up, everything is too distracting.

5. I like that their is so much information to watch and read about.

6. The videos and images really effected the articles because you can really see what's happening instead of just reading about it.