Friday, September 23, 2005

September 23, 2005

There is good news and bad news. First the bad news, free Friday doesn't mean you don't have to journal. But here is the good news, you can choose anything you want to journal about today. You can tell me more about you, what you plan on doing this weekend or anything that interests you: sports, paintball or music. Remember everything must be school appropriate! Journal entries must be a least two paragraphs long. A paragraph should consist of no less than 3 complete sentences.

1 comment:

Megan said...

It's friday. It's also the day taht Marine City plays St. Clair in football. This is why I'm the only person from Marine City here today. This weekend is going to be fun. Tonight I'm going to the football game to watch Marine City beat up on St. Clair. Then after the game I'm going to a couple bonfires, and then spending the night at my friend's house where we will probably end up watching the whole first season of Arrested Development. Saturday I have to wake up at 9 and go to powderpuff practice. I'm a linebacker!! After that I think I'm going to the show that Cortney put together, and after that I might go to the movies. I've got high expectations.

Have A Good Weekend