Thursday, September 08, 2005

September 9, 2005

Good Afternoon!

This is the new journaling system for Digital Media Technology.

When Port Huron Students arrive they must get their books and then log-on to the class blog. Follow the online directions and blog the daily journal assignment. Blogging end for Port Huron Students at 1:45 pm, at the time all blogs must be posted and students should log off the computer.

All other students will log-on at 2 pm after cleaning up any equipment the class worked with that day. Blogging for other students ends at the first bell. At that time they must post and log off the computer.

All directions and links to website information will be found on this blog. Please do not ask Mrs. Holladay what the daily journal assigment will be, students should know it will be found on the DMT blog.

Happy Bloggin'
Mrs. Holladay