Friday, October 07, 2005

October 7, 2005

Something We Don't Know

Please write a paragraph about something the class doesn't know about you (and you of course would like to share.) It can be a story or a hobby. Maybe you have taken 8 years of classical tuba lessons. Maybe you are an online gamer or you collect coins. Do you have an interesting pet? Maybe you have a twin brother or sister, you like to listen to opera. Or maybe you are into extreme sports. Yesterday, I asked that we use proper grammar and spelling, many of you didn't. Please make sure that all sentence are complete and begin with a captial letter and end with punctuation. Again, ask your instructor (me) if you have any questions.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I don't know a lot of things that people don't know about me that they would find interesting to know. I watch a lot of movies and I've been playing guitar since I was in 7th grade. But I'm not really good at guitar however. I wish I was better. MY favorite sport to play is softball and I've been playing since I was 4. You might not know that I used to live in Dearborn Heights and moved to Marine City when I was seven. That's pretty much all.