Tuesday, September 20, 2005

September 20, 2005

television news

Yesterday, I asked you all to watch at least 15 minutes of a local newscast. I hope you had editing in mind. Remember what we read on Monday: cuts, wipes and dissolves. Answer the questions below. If you can't remember and don't have answers, answer what you can, but in order to get credit you might have to watch another newscast and redo the assignment. Please remember that your instructor has Tivo and taped the local news programs.

1. What channel did you watch and when did you watch it?
2. Who were the anchors?
3. What was the lead story?
4. What editing effect was used most often?
5. When and how often were wipes used?

6. Approx. how many news story did you see before the first commercial break? 5 -10 -15
7. What was the most interesting story you saw?
8. Would you tune in again on your own?
9. What was your favorite part of the newscast?
10. What was your least favorite part of the news?
11. Do you have any interest in working in television news?
12. Does anyone in your family watch local television news on a regular basis? If so what station.
13. Does anyone in your family watch cable news? If so what station.
14. Rate the newscast from 1 - 10. 1 being the worst & 10 being the best.

1 comment:

Megan said...

1. I watched The Daily Show with Jon Stewert last night at 11, but it was a re-run.
2. Jon Stewert was the anchor.
3. The lead story was about Hurricane Katrina.
4. A regular cut was used most of the time.
5. Wipes weren't used really at all, if I do remember correctly.
6. I think their were 5-10 news stories before the first commercial.
7. The most interesting news story I saw was about Dick Cheney talking about the hurricane.
8. Yes, I watch it almost every night.
9. My favorite part of the newscast was Samantha Bee reporting on the hurricane because it was funny.
10. My least favorite part of the newscast is when it goes to commercial break because the whole show is interesting.
11. I wouldn't want to work in regular television news, but it would be fun to work with Jon Stewert on The Daily Show.
12. I think both my parents watch it in the morning, but I think they watch between channel 2, 4, and 7 depending on which is at a commercial break when they turn the tv on.
13. Sometimes, my dad watches CNN.
14. 9, because I've already seen that episode before so I can't give it a 10.

Yay Jon Stewert