Friday, October 07, 2005

October 7, 2005

Something We Don't Know

Please write a paragraph about something the class doesn't know about you (and you of course would like to share.) It can be a story or a hobby. Maybe you have taken 8 years of classical tuba lessons. Maybe you are an online gamer or you collect coins. Do you have an interesting pet? Maybe you have a twin brother or sister, you like to listen to opera. Or maybe you are into extreme sports. Yesterday, I asked that we use proper grammar and spelling, many of you didn't. Please make sure that all sentence are complete and begin with a captial letter and end with punctuation. Again, ask your instructor (me) if you have any questions.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

October 6, 2005


The Queen of Soul said it best:

"Ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone Ain't gonna do you wrong 'cause I don't wanna All I'm askin' Is for a little respect when you come home"

Yesterday we added RESPECT to your classroom rules. Today in the words of Motown Legend Aretha Franklin “R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me.” I want to find out what it means to you. Write a short essay on what respect means to you plan to incorporate it into your behavior at DMT.

Your essay must include a minimum of three paragraphs with no less than three sentences in each paragraph. You must use proper grammar and do your best to spell things correctly.
Don’t cry just yet, there is another option, if you would like to rewrite the lyrics to respect you can do that instead. Please see your instructor for the original lyrics. We will talk extra-credit If you want to perform your version of the song in front of class. The lyrics must be along the same the lines as the essay. As always please ask your instructor any questions.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

October 5, 2005

Salaries & Living
how far will your money go?

Yesterday, you looked up jobs and one of the questions you had to answer was how much the average starting salary was, for example the starting salary for a television news reporter was $11,000. A starting salaray for a news producer is about $25,000. Now you will need to pick a city you would want to live in. Please use the online resources below to create a budget for $25,000 a year. Below is a sample budget.

$25000 a year
-2800 a year for taxes (could be more or less, see your instructor if you pick a city in Florida)
$1800 a month
Berkley, MI working in Detroit
Apartment Rent: $850
Insurance: $15
Utlilities: $140
Auto Payment: $100
Auto Insurance: $100
Auto Repair/Maintenance: $75
Gas: 19 mpg - 15 miles each way to work - 600 miles a month - 2.89 a gallo - 31 gallons a month approx. $90
Other transportation: If you live in NY or Chicago you can take public transportation. Find the one-way cost online. Questiosn please ask your instructor for help.
Food: $200 (if you bring your lunch to work everyday & don't buy snacks.)
Entertainment: $100 (remember most dinners are approx 20 a person & a movie is 8 dollars - that means you would only go out with friends 3 times during the month)
Clothing: $50
Cell Phone: $40
Snacks & Misc. - $20

Savings/Leftover: $20


Please take your time and complete this assignement. If you need more time please see your instructor.

THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE GRADING RULES: Journals must be completed on the day they are assigned. If you need more time you must tell your instructor that day. Failure to do so, will mean loss of credit for the journaling assignment and will lower your daily grade significantly.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

October 4, 2005

Career Profiles

Pick 3 Different Careers ****These must be different from the ones you did on the first day!!Answer the following questions about each career. These must be answered in complete sentences, with proper grammar.

1. What do you need to study to get into this career? (Do you need a University degree? Should you study journalism or telecommunications or marketing)
2. Describe at least three of the duties performed by someone in this career.
3. What kind of salary is offered for this career?
4. Are you more or less interested in this career?

Today you will be watching "The First 50 Years of Television." Be prepared to discuss the movie with your instructor on Wednesday. There will be a quiz on Wednesday over the film.

Please behave better for Mr. Dingeman than you do for Mrs. Hollladay

Monday, October 03, 2005

October 3, 2005

Communications & Journalism Programs

Many of you are thinking about what will happen after high school, if you are interested in media going to the right school can make a big difference in getting a job. Below are several websited for different Universities. Please go to one and explore their Journalism/Communications Departments. Of course these are not the only schools that have these kinds of depts. we will be doing this again. So please only go to the schools listed below and then answer the questions below. (Mrs. Holladay's School - Go Tigers!)

1. What specialties do they offer?
2. Who are the famous alumni?
3. Where are they located?
4. List three interesting opportunities the school has to offer.
5. After looking at the website are you more or less interested in the school.

Today, you will work on your storyboards, scripts and presentations for the entire day. Use this time wisely. Your presentations will be part of you PSA grade. Everyone in the group must have a part in the presentation. The presentation must include a little information on the non-profit you choose, why you choose it, who your target audience is. You must also describe your finished storyboard. Be sure to have a title for your PSA!

Please work quietly today. There is to be no streaming media in class. If you finish early practice your presentation. If you have any questions please email your instructor at, she will be checking email and will respond to you by Tuesday.