Tuesday, October 04, 2005

October 4, 2005

Career Profiles


Pick 3 Different Careers ****These must be different from the ones you did on the first day!!Answer the following questions about each career. These must be answered in complete sentences, with proper grammar.

1. What do you need to study to get into this career? (Do you need a University degree? Should you study journalism or telecommunications or marketing)
2. Describe at least three of the duties performed by someone in this career.
3. What kind of salary is offered for this career?
4. Are you more or less interested in this career?

Today you will be watching "The First 50 Years of Television." Be prepared to discuss the movie with your instructor on Wednesday. There will be a quiz on Wednesday over the film.

Please behave better for Mr. Dingeman than you do for Mrs. Hollladay

1 comment:

Megan said...

1. You need to study through an acting conservatory or university to be an actor.
2. Three duties that they do are devloping interactive media, distrubting independent and major films, and expanding cable and satellite operations.
3. Actors recieved an average of $23,470 in 2002.
4. I'm less interested in this career.

Desktop Publishers
1. Taking classes or certificate programs at a vocational school.
2. They format and combine text, produce publication-ready materials, and capture photographs.
3. Desktop Publishers made an average of $31,620 in 2002.
4. Less interested.

1. 4-year degree in journalism
2. Three duties are gather and verify factual information about a story, give live reports, give news to newswriter for story writing.
3. Average starting salary is around $11,000.
4. Less interested.