Thursday, September 29, 2005

September 29, 2005

Sense of Humor

Working in television and radio can be a stressful job, so it's important that you have a sense of humor to help you get through the stressful, high pressure times. Today, I want you to think back to something funny that happened to you, a friend or a family member. Write about it, tell me what happened and why it was so funny. Today I am just looking for you to be a storyteller. As always make sure the story is school appropriate.

1 comment:

Megan said...

My friends and I have made a lot of funny videos in our lifetime. Some of my favorites are when we made a Real World Episode, and a Camp Jim episode. My friend Danielle played a cheerleader who couldn't make the squad and so she was going to Camp Jim to become better. Also we like to go into town and do pointless things just to get people's reactions on film. And whenever we try to make a serious horror movie, it always comes out being funny. The thing is, it's only funny to us, so nobody really laughs when we show it to them. That's too bad.