Tuesday, September 27, 2005

September 27, 2005

Public Service Announcements

Today we will finish up our Premiere Pro Tutorials for the week, then we will start on our first editing project: Public Service Announcements (PSA). What is a PSA? A PSA is short, non- commercial announcements that provide information to the public.

Broadcast television is required by the FCC to air so many PSA's a year for free. These PSA's benefit non-profit organizations that cannot afford the high prices of television and radio advertising. There is a catch, television stations are businesses looking to make money by selling advertising. Ads cost more, the more people who are watching them. That means tv stations want to sell more time during the day, which often pushes PSA to the early morning and overnight hours.

Below are some links that have examples of Public Service Announcements. You can also find a lot more by search Public Service Announcement on Google. Go to these websites and view the PSAs. Those of you on PC's will want to use Windows Media Player on the IMacs use Quicktime to view the PSAs. Once you view several PSA's I want you to think of an organization that you would like to do a PSA for and why you think they neeed one. Please write two complete paragraphs using a minimum of 3 complete sentences in each paragraph. If you have any questions please ask your instructor.


1 comment:

Megan said...

I think Freevibe needs a Public Service Announcement. Freevibe is a website about learning about drugs, and the effects they can have on you. It is directed towards teens.

There are many things that you can do PSA about for this website including just stating facts that the website gives you. It would be a good idea to get the word out about the harms of drugs that some people do not know about. You can visit the website at www.freevibe.com